
We put sustainable practices at the heart of everything we do and we have taken steps to make our studio as environmentally responsible as possible.

We are conscious of our energy usage and have switched to 100% accredited Green Power. We reuse and recycle, and are committed to operating carbon neutral by offsetting our emissions.

We are signatories to the Architects Declare movement, a network of architectural practices committed to addressing the climate and biodiversity emergency.

Our philosophy is to translate these sustainable ideals into all of the buildings we design.

Case Study - Camberwell House

Builder - Reed Built

The rear extension to a Victorian single fronted terrace demonstrates a number of sustainable practices, and material selections.

  • Environmental considerations include adaptive material re use. Instead of pouring new concrete in the kitchen and living areas we retained the existing slab at the rear of the building and added new sections of concrete to accommodate the new ground floor areas.

  • The ground floor extended eaves provide summer shading for the outdoor courtyard and indoor living areas. Windows on the north and east side allows direct sunlight ingress in winter, which takes advantage of the thermal mass value of the concrete.

  • Double glazed skylights above the living space on the south side provides additional natural light deep into the building.

  • Glass louvre windows installed on the east and west facades provides for cross ventilation for the entire first floor reducing the need for active cooling.

Material Selection

  • Australian native FSC timber used throughout as a prominent design statement.

  • Locally sourced recycled bricks.

  • The new extension has an increased thermal insulation to R6 rating.
