Residential and Commercial Architecture and Interior Design Practice based in Camberwell, Victoria.

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A Site Visit to Foster : 03/08/2021

So after another Melbourne lockdown ends (number 5!) we take a drive through the rolling hills of beautiful South Gippsland to visit the Foster Basketball Stadium and Community Centre which is under construction.

One of the perks of working on projects in regional Victoria are the site visits. After being locked down at home for a few weeks there is nothing better than to hit the open road and discover some of the beautiful scenery that Victoria has to offer. And when the sun shines….it’s even better!

Once the sprawling outer suburbs of Melbourne are behind us, the drive to Foster really is stunning. Passing through quaint little towns such as Loch and Meeniyan we are surrounded by rolling hills and dairy farms. Just outside Foster there are fantastic views towards Wilson’s Prom.

Back on site the striking angular roof structure is beginning to emerge as structural steel is installed and the skeletal like timber frame takes shape.

Over the coming months we will be watching (and enjoying more beautiful country drives) as the original architectural concept for this building springs to life.